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Arden Olson to be on Panel Discussion About Protection of Confidential Client Information

arden-olson-smHLGR Shareholder Arden Olson will be one of the faculty members for an upcoming ALI-ABA Seminar entitled “Confidential Client Information: When Are Secrets Not Secret?” which will be broadcast live as a telephone seminar and audio webcast on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. PDT. Arden is a current member of the ABA’s Standing Committee on Professionalism, and he just completed a term as a member of the ABA’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility.

This seminar is part of the ALI-ABA’s ongoing Ethics and Professionalism series. In it, Arden and other participants will explore the scope of confidential client information that is protected under the Rules of Professional Conduct – a category of protected information that is much broader than that which is protected by the attorney-client privilege. The seminar will focus on:

  • How different states approach that which the Rules require be kept confidential.

  • When a lawyer may reveal information in a dispute with her client.

  • When communications to subsequent counsel for a client are not permitted.

  • How lawyers can get in trouble for threatening disclosure of confidential information.

  • How legal assistants can get lawyers in trouble for unauthorized disclosures.

  • The risks of disclosing confidences posed by new technologies.

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