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DOJ Increases Budget to Investigate and Prosecute Healthcare Fraud Cases

DOJ Increases Budget to Investigate and Prosecute Healthcare Fraud Cases The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced that the Obama administration has requested $29.2 billion for the Justice Department’s national security and traditional law enforcement missions. The Department has stated...

New Health Security Breach Notification Rules

NEW HEALTH SECURITY BREACH NOTIFICATION RULES Interim final rules implementing security breach notification requirements for personal health data released by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) create new compliance obligations. The new HHS rule became effective on September...

Oregon Military Family Leave Act of 2009

Employment Alert Oregon Military Family Leave Act of 2009 Background On June 25, 2009, Governor Kulongoski signed into law the Oregon Military Family Leave Act. This Act was first introduced as House Bill 2744 during Oregon’s 2009 Legislative Session. The...

Guidance for Securing PHI Issued by HHS

Health Law Alert Guidance for Securing PHI Issued by HHS The Department of Health and Human Services has just issued guidance on the technologies and methodologies for keeping protected health information (PHI) secure for purposes of health breach notifications. The...

The Medicare RAC Program is Set to Begin Finding Your Billing Errors

Health Law Alert The Medicare RAC Program is Set to Begin Finding Your Billing Errors The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) have taken a major step toward the implementation of its new audit program that will affect countless...

Lilly Ledbetter Pay Act of 2009

Employment Alert Lilly Ledbetter Pay Act of 2009 On January 29, 2009, President Obama signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (“Ledbetter Act”) into law. This was the first piece of legislation signed by President Obama and will...

Loosli v. City of Salem

The Oregon Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals decision in Loosli v. City of Salem. The unanimous decision written by Justice Kistler held that the City owed no duty to protect the plaintiff’s from economic losses caused by the negligence...

Conflict of Interest Must be Weighed in Denial of Benefits Claims

INSURANCE LAW ALERT Conflict of Interest Must be Weighed in Denial of Benefits Claims The US Supreme Court recently held that when the administrator of an ERISA employee benefit plan both determines whether an employee is eligible for benefits and...

Recent Developments in the Law Will Have Significant Impacts on Employers

EMPLOYMENT ALERT Recent Developments in the Law Will Have Significant Impacts on Employers Medical Marijuana, Drug Testing, Genetic Testing, Discrimination and E-Verification of Employment Eligibility I. Accommodation of Medical Marijuana Use by Disabled Employees In Emerald Steel Fabricators, Inc. v....

New Federal Law Prohibits Genetic Discrimination in Health Insurance and Benefit Plans

INSURANCE LAW ALERT New Federal Law Prohibits Genetic Discrimination in Health Insurance and Benefit Plans The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (“GINA” or “the Act”) was signed into law by President Bush on May 21, 2008. GINA arose out of concerns...

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