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Articles & Alerts

Water, Water, Everywhere – Drinking Water in Oregon

HLGR attorney Jennie Bricker’s article, Water, Water, Everywhere, is the cover story in the most recent Oregon State Bar Bulletin. The thought-provoking article about water is a must-read for everyone.  

Department of Education Issues New FERPA Guidance

By Randy Geller On February 12th, the U.S. Department of Education, Privacy Technical Assistance Center, issued a guidance document consisting of 37 commonly asked questions about the application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”). The...

Proposed Title IX Rules – What’s Better and What’s Worse

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) are a mixed bag for colleges and universities. In some ways, the proposed regulations adhere more closely to Title IX itself, which is generally a good thing for institutions of higher education.  In other areas, the draft simply substitutes one set of problems for another. Attorney Randy Geller discusses the proposed changes, and how these may affect educational institutions.

Proposed Title IX Rule Changes – How will Hearings Change?

By Randy Geller The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) issued by the U.S. Department of Education on November 16, 2018, addresses the requirement of a hearing head on – more or less. Not surprisingly, the answers differ for higher education...

Proposed Title IX Rule Changes – What are the new Due Process Protections?

On November 16, 2018, the U.S. Department of Education published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Title IX. The proposed rules, which materially differ from unofficial versions of the NPRM that had previously circulated, would be the first comprehensive regulations issued under Title IX since 1975. This is the first step in what is known as "notice-and-comment rulemaking." These are not final regulations, but the final regulations are likely to be substantially similar.

Chiefly L&E – Winter 2017 Newsletter (Updated)

Employment Law 2017 2016 brought many legislative changes to state and federal employment laws. Some of those changes went into effect last year, others go into effect at some point this year, and still others are in limbo, subject to...

Chiefly L&E – Winter 2017 Newsletter

Employment Law 2017 2016 brought many legislative changes to state and federal employment laws. Some of those changes went into effect last year, others go into effect at some point this year, and still others are in limbo, subject to...

Halt to New Overtime Rule

By HLGR’s Labor & Employment Team On November 22, 2016, a nationwide injunction was issued by a federal judge halting regulatory revisions to overtime rules scheduled to become effective on December 1, 2016. This ruling delays implementation of the Final...

Oregon Court of Appeals Affirms Right to Shareholder Buy-Out

Litigation over disputes among shareholders in closely held corporations can be lengthy, expensive, and stressful.  It is hard on the company’s shareholders, employees, creditors, and the economy.  The Oregon legislature created a statutory “escape route” in ORS 60.952.  In certain...

Oregon Supreme Court Upholds Right-of-Way Fees on Broadband Internet Services

On May 26, 2016, the Oregon Supreme Court affirmed the right of the City of Eugene to charge a license fee for using the City’s public rights-of-way to provide broadband internet services. City of Eugene v. Comcast of Oregon II, Inc., 359...