Serving Clients for OVER 65 Years Contact Us Now

Contact Information for Harrang Long

We have three offices in Oregon, with attorneys and staff dedicated to bringing expertise and value to every client we serve. You can reach us at the contact information below.

For general legal services or administrative inquiries, please email us. To reach our accounting department, please email us.

We would be pleased to communicate with you concerning legal matters. However, your communication with us in connection with a matter for which we do not already represent you cannot be treated as privileged or confidential and will not be deemed to create an attorney-client relationship between you and Harrang Long P.C. or any of its attorneys. Please be aware that your email from this website will not prevent us from representing another person in the matter that is the subject of your email, and that we have no duty to keep confidential any information that you send us without our express prior authorization. Our transmission and your viewing of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Harrang Long P.C. or any of its attorneys.


111 SW Columbia Street
Suite 950
Portland, OR 97201-5841


Tel: 503.242.0000
Fax: 541.686.6564
Toll-Free: 866.341.1458
Map & Parking Information